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Elevation and Matrix lead $7 Mn seed round in Dezerv.

Invest tech startup Dezerv. has raised $7 million in its seed round co-led by Elevation Capital and Matrix Partners India. Whiteboard Capital, Blume Founders Fund, and a clutch of tech founders such as Kunal Shah, Ramakant Sharma, Asish Mohaptra & Ruchi Kalra, Vidit Aatrey & Sanjeev Kedia and others have also joined the round.

According to the SEBI registered mutual funds distributor, Dezerv. will use the funding proceeds in developing technology platforms and teams, and to ramp up startup’s growth.

Founded by Sandeep Jethwani, Vaibhav Porwal and Sahil Contractor, the startup helps Indian working professionals with a tech-driven financial platform and expert advice on how to manage money also comes with the package. Additionally, it plans to offer high-quality pre-IPO opportunities as well.

Startups in the wealth management and investment segment include Smallcase, Cube, Groww, INDwealth, Investment Mitra among others.

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