Ola is a ride hailing company offering services including, Pool ride, bike taxi, food delivery. The Bengaluru-based company was founded in 2010 by Bhavish Aggarwal and Ankit Bhati. The key investors in Ola are SoftBank, Steadview Capital and Sachin Bansal.
Company Name: | OLA |
Founder/s: | Bhavish Aggarwal and Ankit Bhati |
Industry: | Mobility |
Investment Raised: | $ 3.8 billion |
Headquarter: | Bengaluru |
Year of Incorporation: | 2010 |
Key Investors: |
Softbank, Steadview Capital, J3T Ventures, HBM Investment, Petite Pond, Omar O Raucci, Lyon Assets Inc, Steven Price, Tina Price and THC Ventures 12, Sachin Bansal |
Reference Website: | https://www.olacabs.com/ |
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