Handloom ethical clothing brand Dressfolk has picked up Rs 3.3 crore in a seed round which was spearheaded by All In Capital. The funding round also witnessed participation of Sidhant Keshwani, Sidhesh Chauhan of Jade Blue, Riju Jhunjhunwala, Vikrampati Singhania, FinFirst Advisors, Apurva Ramesh Damani and Pranav Sanghvi.
The proceeds will be deployed towards strengthening its product portfolio, expanding distribution channels and scaling its team and operations, Dressfolk said in a press release.
Founded in 2017 by Nitin Mehrotra, Dressfolk is the curator of Indian crafts and modish silhouettes. The company aims to modernise the traditional Indian weaves, while empowering the local artisans community. It designs and co-produces all its garments with the artisan community from scratch. Apart from empowering the local weavers’ community, it also focuses on building collaborative relationships with artisans to deeply understand craft regions and traditions.
The Delhi-based company says that it works with over 600 weavers and 120 artisans across 6 states. It also claims to have a customer base in more than 20 countries globally.
Other notable companies in this space are Fab India, Jaypore, Cotton World, Upasana, and Ethicus amongst others.
Recently, All In Capital led pre seed round in spacetech startup PierSight. The VC firm had previously backed startups including Volt Money, Varee, MoMoney, and EximFiles, among others.